The strengths of the camera equipment that we found it quite easy to use the cameras were not to technical. However we did have weaknesses had a few times where the camera equipment was not available we then made alterations to our shooting schedule to fit when we had filmed. The filming process i found okay although we did have problems when doing certain filming e.g.When we was filming the main character, the man walking down a corridor we wanted to give the effect of the camera following the man, we found this hard to actually move the camera behind him as the tripod was no use for this type of shot we needed to achieve.We tried first putting the camera on a piece of cardboard and dragging it along behind the actor this didn't work as it was hard to drag the camera along as the cardboard kept stalling. We then tried to overcome this by finding something that that would move more fluently behind the character so we found a tray trolley and place the camera on it, even though this was very noisy at the time of filming we edited the sounded out to give the effect we wanted.
This enhanced our thriller as it gives us the shot that we wanted of the camera following the character. We also had to use other equipment such as tables to balance the camera to get a certain shot of the part when the main character is sitting at his desk we also did this to try not show different objects within the room we were shooting in as the angle that we tried to film in prevented that. Sometimes we held the camera to our advantage to give a shaky effect. When we edited our filming for our main task on I Movie on the Apple Macs we learnt a lot more about different effects that are possible from when doing the preliminary even though that did help a great deal when editing the first time but not in so much detail.
When editing we found image stabilzation to be a big help as it made the hand held shots look as if they had been on a tripod which made it look effective. There were particular effects that we found useful for creating our overall Mise en scene such, as using speed at which the filming was shown at particulally when the main character was walking at the beginning that we just made faster to fit within the two minutes. We also used a different colour to the original colour of the camera we used a particular colour for the film called old world on the part of the flashbacks, this gave the effect of the flashbacks that we wanted. As a result to our soundtrack we did not use Garage band we used copyright-free music, that we had found from the Internet a website called We learnt that we had to use copyright music and we need to make sure the soundtrack was around two minutes long this was a challenge but we did find music suitable for our production and ended up liking it very much. We also used sound effects within our film e.g. the gun shot that is used when the main character is shot. To achieve the gun shot effect we first looked on I Movie and the sound effects that may have resembled a gun shot noise, however we did not find the suitable noise for the gun shot we wanted, as a result we had to look on several websites that deliver free sound effects and then found a suitable gun shot effect.
There were times where it was very hard to film as sometimes not any cameras were available when we needed to film or the cameras were given had to have different film to what we had so resulting in us having two different tapes. We also had problems when editing on the mac computers and was worried if this was going to effect the filming process as there were three groups all using the same mac computer. We sorted this by making a rota of what group was going to use that mac computer at what time. This resulted in us editing withing lunch hours etc. to ensure we finished our editing in our time.
Below is a screen shot of how we edited our opening thriller sequence.

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