4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The age that we certificated for our film has been set as 15-25 year old's as that target audience may understand and may find it more appealing to watch, however we may find flexibility in this e.g. we may find that some teenagers under 15 may watch the film as we know plenty of under 15's watch 15 rated movies, for this reason we have looked at 13-14 year old's that may find our film appealing. I think that viewers a little over the age of 25 or an age of a person who can understand the flashbacks of the particular time period will find the film appealing as the style of the film is partly shown through flashback. The reason why we chose that particular target audience of 15+ as a lot of thriller film's that are released are 15+ and do normally appeal to this age and older.
There are some points of our film that it would appeal particularly to the male gender as it shows only the man and it shows him being angry and very in his own character so we would have thought this would have appealed to the male gender more so even though he does have weaknesses where the male is shown in a passive way towards the woman which is very dominant when shown, which may not appeal to the audience as much, because the opening is very much about a male we thought the target audience of males may appreciate this more. When given the audience questionnaires back it was clear to Adam and I that mostly 16-18 year old's had watched and commented on our film as we targeted this whereas 18+ and 14-16 was much lower in our result so the age that we have picked will appeal to that age range more and the questionnaires have helped us conclude this.
We didn't particulary choose this particular target audience as we didn't know what target audience to prioritise for our film. We didn't pick our target audience until much later than the other groups may have, and then when editing we made sure that appealed to our target audience. I think we picked this certain target audience as a lot of thriller films are certificated to this age group and are most popular with this age group. This then attracted us to make a film for them as we thought it could be successful.
The age that we certificated for our film has been set as 15-25 year old's as that target audience may understand and may find it more appealing to watch, however we may find flexibility in this e.g. we may find that some teenagers under 15 may watch the film as we know plenty of under 15's watch 15 rated movies, for this reason we have looked at 13-14 year old's that may find our film appealing. I think that viewers a little over the age of 25 or an age of a person who can understand the flashbacks of the particular time period will find the film appealing as the style of the film is partly shown through flashback. The reason why we chose that particular target audience of 15+ as a lot of thriller film's that are released are 15+ and do normally appeal to this age and older.
There are some points of our film that it would appeal particularly to the male gender as it shows only the man and it shows him being angry and very in his own character so we would have thought this would have appealed to the male gender more so even though he does have weaknesses where the male is shown in a passive way towards the woman which is very dominant when shown, which may not appeal to the audience as much, because the opening is very much about a male we thought the target audience of males may appreciate this more. When given the audience questionnaires back it was clear to Adam and I that mostly 16-18 year old's had watched and commented on our film as we targeted this whereas 18+ and 14-16 was much lower in our result so the age that we have picked will appeal to that age range more and the questionnaires have helped us conclude this.
We didn't particulary choose this particular target audience as we didn't know what target audience to prioritise for our film. We didn't pick our target audience until much later than the other groups may have, and then when editing we made sure that appealed to our target audience. I think we picked this certain target audience as a lot of thriller films are certificated to this age group and are most popular with this age group. This then attracted us to make a film for them as we thought it could be successful.

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