We only have two minutes for our film piece so we need to find a piece of music that will fit this exact criteria. We want continuity throughout our opening of our film so we need to make sure the soundtrack does this so we need to find a piece that is two minutes or very close to two minutes.
We have looked at different soundtracks and a music site that is very helpful called http://freeplaymusic/. We found some soundtracks that we think will be appropriate for our opening. When looking at this site we found a piece called 'Gates to Adis', that we found http://freeplaymusic.com/search/category_search.php?t=v&i=944 and it is track number 7, We thought this piece gave a scary feel to it and may make viewers confused.We also when looking for a soundtrack came across a piece called Steadfast which i thought sounded as if it was showing a flashback and telling a story. When looking on the website again we came across a soundtrack that is very familiar to many people called Rex Tremendae (from the Mozart Requiem mass)Track 1. http://www.freeplaymusic.com/search/keyword_search.php.
After finding this soundtrack we thought this would be really good to use as we didnt wanted vocals, choirs, some stings and drums and a loud drum beats. I think it gives a dramatic feel to it and may make the viewers curious. At the start of the opening of the thriller we want to show a Vinyl record machine st

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